מחקרים על מסרים סאבלימינלים:

שיפור יכולות למידה:

Journal of Counseling Psychology: Volume 29, 1982, by Dr. Kenneth Parker, article titled "Effects of Subliminal Symbiotic Stimulation on Academic Performance: Further Evidence on the Adaptation-Enhancing Effects of Oneness Fantasies.".

This experiment involved using 60 college students who were on a 6 week law course. They were exposed to subliminal messages for 3 out of 5 of their lectures per week. There was also a second group who were not exposed to subliminal messages at all.

Findings: It was found that the college students who were exposed to the messaging had significantly higher grades than the second group who were not exposed to any messages.

It was also added, and quoting "Could the difference in the post experimental behavior of the experimental and control groups be explained in some other way than to attribute them to the differential content of the two messages? We do not believe there is any credible alternative explanation. Recall that (a) the procedure was carried out with double-blind controls, which protected against subject expectations and experimenter bias and (b) the experimental and control groups were no different in age, sex, race, psychiatric diagnosis, IQ, and initial CAT reading scores. Because there is no reason to believe there were systematic differences in the experiences of the two groups had in the school during the 6-week intervention period, one can assume that only the differences in the subliminal messages can account for the post-experimental behavior of the two groups."

The improvement in academic functioning was so significant that it can't be ignored. Whereas CAT Reading scores of control subjects increased 6 months in a 1-year period (which is the average imporbement), the scores for the experimental subjects increased by 2 years and 6 months, giving a difference of a full two years.

Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1985 by Dr H. Cook, article titled "Effects of Subliminal Symbiotic Gratification and the Magic of Believing on Achievement.":

In this experiment, university students were exposed to 4 millisecond subliminal messages over 12 seperate sessions. The messages were provided to them after their class. There was also a second group which were not exposed to any messages at all.

Findings: It was found that the university students who were exposed to the messages scored much better in their exams. The subliminal messaging was found to change the self-belief and confidence of the students so that they performed much better.

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1982 by Ariam, S. and Siller, J. Article titles, "Effects of Subliminal Oneness Stimuli in Hebrew on Academic Performance of Israeli High School Students."

This experiment involved using 10th grade students who were provided subliminal messages in the Hebrew language. Three groups of students were provided 3 different messages. One group was provided with a self-esteem boosting message namely "Mommy and I are one", another group was provided with the lesser statement "The teacher and I are one", and a control group was provided with a neutral statement: "People are walking in the street". The messages were provided to the students for 6 weeks.

Findings: The students exposed to the self-esteem message, "Mommy and I are one" scored much higher in a mathematics exam than the other groups. The experimenters concluded that the high self-esteem and confidence arising from the message (since the message is one of love and approval from one's mother), allowed the students to excel in the exam.

Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1984 by R. Bryant-Tuckett and L.H Silverman. Article titled "Effects of the Subliminal Stimulation of Symbiotic Fantasies on the Academic Performance of Emotionally Handicapped Students".

In this work, two experiments are detailed and summarised. The main experiments are detailed below:

Experiment 1: Sixty-four emotionally disturbed adolescents were split into an experimental and control group. They were matched for age, IQ, and reading ability. Both groups were seen five times a week for 6 weeks to allow them to be exposed to a series of subliminal messages.

Findings: The subjects exposed to the subliminal messages scored much better in the California Achievement Reading Test than the control group. 5 further abilities were improved, namely mathematical ability, self image, management of homework assignments, independance in the classrom, and self discipline.

Experiment 2: subliminal messaging was presented to male szhizophrencs (e.g., Leiter, 1982; Litwack, Wiedemann, & Yager, 1979; Silverman & Spiro, 1967), depressed people (e.g., Miller, 1973; Rutstein & Goldberger, 1973) and stutterers (Silverman, Bronstein & Mendelsohn, 1976; Silverman, Klinger, Lustbader, Farrell & Martin, 1972).

Findings: it was found that the intensity of their conditions (noted before the study) had decreased significantly after the subliminal exposure.

שיפור התנהגותי:

Time Magazine, 1979, Secret Voices: Messages that Manipulate.

Time Magazine reported that 50 department stores across the United States and Canada were using subliminal messaging to stop shoplifting in their stores.

Findings: It was found by an East Coast department chain that subliminal messaging decreased shoplifting by 37%, saving the company over $600,000 over three quarters of the financial year. The subliminal messaging therefore works.

Wall Street Journal, 1980

In the Wall Street Journal, a New Orleans department store installed a subliminal messaging system to reduce theft. Messages such as "I am honest", "I take a great deal of pride in being honest" were projected to the listeners mind.

Findings: It was found that theft in the store decreased from $50,000 every 6 months to under $13,000. Cashier shortages also dropped from $125 per week, to less than $10 per week. In other words, the cashier's stopped stealing from the store because of the subliminal messages being projected to them.


סיוע בהורדה במשקל:

Clinical Psychology, 1978 by L. Silverman, A. Martin, R. Ungaro and E. Mendelsohn. Article titled "Effect of Subliminal Stimulation of Symbiotic Fantasies on Behavior Modification Treatment of Obesity."

In this experiment, Dr Silverman conducted a subliminal experiment on a group of women. These women were at least 15% overweight and were given basic training on reducing weight, maintaining and cutting calories and the like. The group was split into two groups, and only one of the groups received the subliminal messages. These messages were projected to counteract the tendency of "over-eat"

Findings: It was found that the group exposed to the subliminal messages had significantly reduced their weight, due to eating significantly less. The other group which were not exposed to the messages showed no such difference.

Another experiment was conducted in Metairie, Louisiana, at Dr. Becker's weight loss clinic.

In this experiment, patients were exposed to cassette and video subliminal messages.

Findings: It was found that 50% of the patients maintained over half of their weight loss, upto 2 years following the subliminal program. 23% of patients managed to maintain 75-100% of their total weight loss. These figures were significantly better than diet programs where the subliminal messages were not used. As such, the subliminal messages were shown to contribute to the weight loss being incurred.

שינוי גישה:

The Effect of Noxious Subliminal Stimuli on the Modification of Attitudes Toward Alcoholism: A Pilot Study, 1973, L. Hart.

In this experiment, subliminal messages which were noxious were projected to the subjects' minds, in an attemp to change attitudes towards alcoholism. Subliminal messages were given to one group, and a control group received nothing,

Findings: It was found that over a 5 day period, attitudes towards alcohol through questionnaires had significantly changed in the subliminal message group, compared to the control group. The stimuli was also not consciously percevied, so the effects were happening subconsciously.

The Generalizability of Subliminal Mere Exposure Effects: Influence of Stimuli Perceived Without Awareness on Social Behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1987, R Bornstein, D, Leone and D Galley.

This article describes three experiments to assess subliminal effects in both simply and complex ways.

Experiment 1: Undergraduate subjects were exposed to slides of abstract geometric figures at both subliminal (i.e., 4 ms) and supraliminal exposure durations. Subjects' attitudes toward the subliminally presented stimuli became significantly more positive with repeated exposures, even when subjects were unaware that exposures had occurred.

Experiment 2: Similar attitude changes are produced by subliminal exposure to photographs of real people.

Experiment 3: Attitudes toward real people encountered in the natural environment of the psychology experiment are also enhanced by subliminal exposure to a photograph of that person.

Dauber, R.B. Subliminal Psychodynamic Activation in Depression: On the Role of Autonomy Issues in Depressed College Women. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1984, 93 (1), 9-18.

In this experiment, the effect of messages on depressed women was being investigated.

Findings: It was found that negative messages like "I am bad" had a negative impact to worsen depression, and that positive messages have a positive impact.

Considering both experiments together, the solid finding that emerged is that the message Leaving Mom is wrong increased depressive feelings in depressed college women on the DACL. (p. 16).

Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1987, O. Goncalves, A. Ivey. Article titled, "The Effects of Unconscious Presentation of Information on Therapist Conceptualizations, Intentions, and Responses"

In this experiment, test subjects were presented with subliminal messages and were assesed to see their conceptions to a simulated client.

Findings: It was found that the subliminal messages had a significant impact on the perceptions of the client.

Deep Psychological Effect

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1987 by R.F Bornstein, D.R Leone, and D.J Galley. Article entitled "The Generalizability of Subliminal Mere Exposure Effects: Influence of Stimuli Perceived Without Awareness on Social Behavior"

in this experiment, subliminal messages were hidden in white noise and projected to the test subjects. There was also a second group in which the messages were partly audible, but with the same messages.

Findings: It was found that when the messages which were completely inaudible (and thus fully subliminal) were heard, deep psychological effects arose within the test subjects' minds. The other group failed to achieve any profound results.

Dr Howard Shevrin, 1975. Article entitled "Does the Averaged Evoked Response Encode Subliminal Perception? Yes.".

In this experiment, messages were projected audibly to one group and inaudibly to another.

Findings: It was found that the group where the messages were inaudible exhibited a much higher response rate than the audible group. It also reinforces the notion that the messages do not need to be heard consciously, for the subconscious mind to pick up on it.

Preconscious Processing by Dr. Norman Dixon

This work summarizes 748 scholarly research studies on subliminal perception.

Findings: In his work, he includes a research study by Zuckerman (1960), which revealed that a subliminal stimulus can by-pass the conscious mind and conscious thinking, thus allowing subliminal messages to enter the subconscious mind with ease and exhibit deep psychological effects here.

In Zuckerman's experiment, test subjects were provided with cards which contained the messages "Write More" and "Don't Write". It was found that when the messages were not perceived consciously, the desired effect arose.

Research Of Dr. Lloyd H. Silverman

In a 1980 study, Silverman utliised a subliminal messaging program into a treatment of half of a group of smokers trying to quit smoking. These smokers were attempting to quit using behavior modification therapy.The subliminal messaging was designed to ensure that they didn't come back to smoking when the quit..

Findings: One month after the treatment ended, 66% of the group exposed to the subliminal messaging continued to be non-smokers. This is compared with a figure of 13% for the control group.

Silverman has conducted subliminal perception testing for over 20 years. He says that the positive effect of subliminal messages has been observed in assertiveness/confidence training classes, children and the young receiving psychotherapy, college students in group therapy, alcoholics in Alcoholics Anonymous counseling, and in people undergoing behavior change training for phobias and eating disorders. In other words, the effects of subliminal messaging are extremely comprehensive and it can influence any area of your life.

Research Of Dr. Becker

In another of Dr. Becker's experiments (see Improved Weight Loss Section above for the other one), test subjects were asked to guess a three digit number. One group of people were exposed to the correct number subliminally and in an inaudible manner.

Findings: Over three experiments, an average of 77% of the people who were exposed to the subliminal message guessed correctly. This is compared to 10% in the control group who weren't exposed to any messages at all. The subliminal messages therefore worked and did not need to be heard consciously to exhibit their effects.

מחקרים נוספים:

There are hundreds of experiments which show that subliminal messaging does indeed work and has a profound impact on your mind and life. You can view details of some of these below:

Autonomic and Verbal Discrimination of a Subliminally Learned Task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1969, by R.T Beisgen, and R. Gibby

Findings in this study show that a subliminal process of influence does indeed exist. This was defined by Lazarus and McCleary (1951) and also strongly suggests that mental conditioning can take place on an unconscious or subliminal level.

Subliminal Perception and Levels of Activation. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 1981 by F. Borgeat, R Chabot, and L Chaloult.

This study assessed the influence of auditory subliminal messages and the corresponding respose rate from them. 20 test subjects had active and inactive subliminal messages projected to them. Response rate changes were estimated through variations in Mood Adjective Check List scores.

Findings: The experiments found that auditory subliminal messages had a high response rate, and that more research would need to be done to find out what the limits of subliminal messaging are.

Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 1985, Psychophysiological Responses to Masked Auditory Stimuli, F. Borgeat, R. Elie, L. Chaloult, and R. Chabot

In this experiment subliminal messaging was mased by 40dB white noise. The noise started off at a low dB level and was increased, with the effects being measured at each dB increment.

Findings: Psychophysiological responses to stimuli below the thresholds of hearing were observed. This means that the more inaudible the messages are, the greater the response.

An Examination of Relationship between Subliminal Perception, Visual Information Processing, Levels of Processing and Hemispheric Asymmetries. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1979, D.K Charman

In this experiment, a subliminal letter of the alphabet was exposed to the left or right hemisphere of the brain for either 15 or 20 milliseconds. The test subjects had to guess what the letter was.

Findings: It was found that longer exposure times made it easier to guess correctly.

Evidence of Unconscious Semantic Processing From a Forced Error Situation. British Journal of Psychology, 1984, J. Groeger

In this experiment, test subjects were asked to extract information from subliminal messages which were projected to them below their level of awareness.

Findings: It was found that the words being projected into the mind were more easily identifiable from a word matrix. The subliminal messages were thus being accessed and processed subconsciously even though they weren't being heard consciously.

The Effects of an Auditory Subliminal Message Upon the Production of Images and Dreams. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1986, Kaser, V.A.

In this experiment, subliminal messaging was presented to 9 undergraduate students in the form of being being mixed with normal music. 9 controls only heard normal music. Both groups were asked to do a pre-test and post-test drawing. They would also draw an image of any dreams they think they might have that night.

Findings: It was shown that the subliminal message group were clearly influenced by the messages and the subliminal messages in the music had influenced their subconscious mind. There was a convergence and similarity in the images, which was not maintained in the control group.

Kemp-Wheeler, S.M. and Hill, A.B. Anxiety Responses to Subliminal Experience of Mild Stress. British Journal of Psychology, 1987, 78, 365-374.

In this experiment, two groups of undergraduates (of 14 pupils each) and who were matched by trait anxiety were used. One group received 20 emotional words below the level of awareness, and the other received 20 neutral worlds. Ratings of anxiety through psychological variables were taken before and after the messages were projected, including heart and respiration rate.

Findings: The group which had the emotional words were clearly affected from the messages. The messages below the level of awareness

The Cognitive Unconscious. Science, 1987, J.F Kihlstrom

This study confirms that unconscious and subconscious mental structures can affect the conscious mind, even though knowledge of those influences might not exist in the conscious mind at all.

לקריאה נוספת:

Kleespies, P. and Wiener, M. The Orienting Reflex as an Input Indicator in Subliminal Perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, 35, 103-110.

Kostandov, E.A. and Arzumanov, Y. L. The Influence of Subliminal Emotional Words on Functional Hemispheric Asymmetry. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1986, 4, 143-147.

Kunzendorf, R.G., Lacouse, Pl, and Lynch. B. Hypnotic Hypermnesia for Subliminally Encoded Stimuli: State-Dependent Memory for Unmonitored' Sensations. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 1986-87, 6 (4), 365-377.

LeClerc, C. and Freibergs, V.L. Influence d'Indices Subliminaux Perceptifs et Symboliques sur la Formation d'un Concept. Canad. J. Psychol./Rev. Canad. Psychol., 1971, 25 (4), 292-301.

Lee, I. And Tyrer, P. Responses of Chronic Agoraphobics to Subliminal and Supraliminal Phobic Motion Pictures. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 1980, 168 (1), 34-40.

Lee, I., Tyrer, P. and Horn, S., A comparison of Subliminal, Supraliminal and Faded Phobic Cine-Films in the Treatment of Agoraphobia. Brit. J. Psychiat., 1983, 143, 356-361.

Libet, B. Responses of Human Somatosensory Cortex to Stimuli Below Threshold for Conscious Sensation. Science, 1967, 1597-1600.

Mendelsohn, e. M. The Effects of Stimulating Symbiotic Fantasies on Manifest Pathology in Schizophrenics. The Journal of Nervous and mental Disease, 1981, 169 (9), 580-590.

Overbeeke, C.J. Changing the Perception of Behavioral Properties by Subliminal Presentation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1986, 62, 255-258.

Plumbo, R. and Gillman, I. Effects of Subliminal Activation of Oedipal Fantasies on Competitive Performance. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1984, 172 (12), 737-741.

Sackeim, H.A., Packer, I.K. and Gur, R.C. Hemisphericity, Cognitive Set, and Susceptibility to Subliminal Perception. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1977, 86 (6), 624-630.

Saegert, J. Another Look at Subliminal Perception. Journal of Advertising Research, 1979, 19 (1), 55-57.

Schurtman, R., Palmatier, J.R. and Martin, E.S. O the Activation of Symbiotic Gratification Fantasies as an Aid in the Treatment of Alcoholics. The International Journal of the Addictions, 1982, 17 (7), 1157-1174.

Shevrin, H. Subliminal Perception and Dreaming. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 1986, 7 (2-3), 379 (249), 396 (266).

Shevrin, H., and Dickman, S. The Psychological Unconscious: A Necessary Assumption for All Psychological Theory? American Psychologist, 1980, 35 (5), 421-434.

Shevrin, H., Smith, W.H. and Fitzler, D.E. Average Evoked Response and Verbal Correlates of Unconscious Mental Processes. Psychophysiology, 1971, 8 (2), 149-162.

Silverman, L. And Lachmann, F. The Therapeutic Properties of Unconscious Oneness Fantasies: Evidence and Treatment Implications. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1985, 21 91), 91-115

מחקרים על אימון גלי מוח:

מחקרים על תדרים:

There are many studies supporting the effectiveness of brainwave entrainment for improving physical, mental, and emotional well-being. A few important and noteworthy ones not already mentioned are:

A study by Tina Huang, PhD, and Christine Charyton, published in the September 2008 issue of the journal, Alternative Therapies examined the results of twenty previous studies measuring the effectiveness of brainwave entrainment for improvements in cognitive dysfunction and deficits, stress reduction, pain management, migraine and headache control, pre-menstrual syndrome, and behavioral difficulties, and all showed significant improvement in symptoms using entrainment techniques.

A study by Joyce, Michael, and Siever titled, “Audio-visual entrainment program as a treatment for behavior disorders in a school setting” was published in the Journal of Neurotherapy in 2000 showing the effectiveness of entrainment for treating behavioral problems in children at school.

Graham Patrick also published work in the same scientific journal in 1996 on the improvements in ADHD symptoms in test subjects when exposed to 15 sessions of photic brainwave entrainment stimulation.

Multiple studies by Patrick, T. Budzynski, Ruth Olmstead, and others have confirmed the usefulness of BWE in improving cognitive abilities in learning disabled children and academic performance in adults and children.

Two studies published in the journal Neuroscience in 2001 and 2006 conducted by Jonathan Williams demonstrated improvements in recognition memory in older people using 10 hertz flickering light entrainment.

A study published in Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology by Paul Williams and Michael West in 1975 examined the brainwave states of people experienced in meditation while using photic stimulation, and another study by Leonard, Telch, and Harrington in 1999 examined the successful use of brainwave entrainment techniques for attaining meditative states in subjects.

Many other studies done in the past confirm that brainwave entrainment is a safe and effective method for improving many areas of mental, emotional, and physical health. New studies and advancements in the future will certainly expand, enhance, and deepen the healing scope of brainwave entrainment science and technology

A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary MedicineVol. 13, No. 1Binaural Beat Technology in Humans: A Pilot Study To Assess Psychologic and Physiologic Effects